Not far from Jerusalem, archaeologists have discovered the fifth-century burial of a person wrapped in heavy metal chains.
Statue dated to late 2nd century A.D., was found alongside objects associated with Aphrodite, Eros, Artemis, and Nemesis.
Five hundred years have passed since the death of Cuauhtémoc, the last ruler of the Aztec Empire. To commemorate this ...
The historian Moshe Sharon demonstrated in 2002 that the detailed descriptions of the battles of the Islamic conquests ...
Archaeologists excavating crypts at a Byzantine monastery a few miles from Jerusalem were surprised to find the skeleton of a ...
The Romans destroyed the Temple, banished Jews and changed the names of places to erase history. It's a strategy still being emulated.
Comparisons aside, the president has articulated a Middle East policy that diverges from the model of the famous emperor.
Purim, or the Feast of Lots, is a Biblical Jewish festival known for extravagant costumes, the exchanging of gift baskets, ...
Whether you're a fan of outdoor art shows, Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals or LGBTQ+ events, there's something for everyone to ...
Emotions of despair is overwhelmingly present in the Jewish history but it is always followed by declaration of perseverance ...
Few words are as disturbing to Jews as the word “expulsion.” For Jews, it is a word laden with the weight of terrible ...