The special security operation is targeting the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) militia, who are reportedly responsible for a series of cross-border criminal activities in the region. In a statement on ...
Dureessi US fi bulchiinsa Tiraamp jalatti bu'a qabeessummaa dhaabbilee Federaalaa kan to'atu Eloon Maask ejensiin gargaarsaa guddicha biyyattii, USAIDn cufamuurratti Pireezidant Doonaald Tiraamp ...
It revealed three genetic clusters: Cluster 1 (Boran, Gumuz, and Woyto-Guji), Cluster 2 (Abergelle, Arab, Keffa, and Oromo), and Cluster 3 (Fellata). In this dataset, PC1 and PC2 explained 12.53% of ...