Balart, who served in the Florida House, the Florida Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives, died on Monday, according ...
Former Florida congressman and brother to Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart is dead at 70. The Republican opposed Fidel Castro's regime.
The funding for our Black History Month event was cut, taken away for fear of being targeted by the government’s attacks on ...
QMedic analyzed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data and spoke with experts to look at the reality of aging as a ...
Public schools across the country, from pre-K to higher education, may now be at risk of losing federal funding if they ...
Trump’s campaign produced campaign materials in Spanish to reach more voters. Now that he’s president, his White House is ...
As the Trump admin revives ICE task forces and creates a national registry of immigrants, Democrats see an opening.
Cardinal Robert McElroy, who is getting ready to take over as archbishop of Washington, D.C. in March, called for compassion ...
Building lethality in the military may be the buzzword for the new Trump administration, but busywork and paperwork have ...
Evidence refutes the myth equating higher crime rates with immigrant communities. Rather, they help communities become ...