The Greek parliament’s decision to investigate a possible coverup for a fatal train crash two years ago is an opportunity to ...
Eight days before the 28 February 2023 crash in Tempi, then-Transport Minister Kostas Karamanlis dismissed the opposition's concerns over railway safety. “It's embarrassing, and I'm ashamed ...
On Feb. 28, 2023, a passenger train and freight train collided, leaving 57 dead. New evidence suggests many may not have been ...
The progressive opposition parties will table a motion of no-confidence today against the centre-right New Democracy party ...
At 9:30 the debate in Parliament starts - "Now we are entering a heavy political period and we need to adjust our strategy", ...
On Feb. 28, 2023, a passenger train and freight train collided, leaving 57 dead. New evidence suggests many may not have been killed by the crash... 2 years after Greece's deadliest train crash ...