The community has embraced this event, with restaurants and local shops joining in and hosting pop-ups for artists who are not exhibiting in town. Some of the venues have live music, culinary goodies ...
A Millburn woman's suit says she was struck and seriously injured by one of the Dream Riders motorized stuffed animals that ...
Despite living in Pennsylvania for about two and a half years while in high school, I visited Philadelphia only once or twice ...
His ability to distill the human experience into instantly recognizable symbols is precisely what makes his art so well-suited for public commissions.
The Pollard Gallery, 518 56th St., is hosting its People’s Choice Show, open “to all artists who wish to participate,” said the gallery’s Brian Wolf. An entry fee of $10 “allows artists ...
Miniature paintings by artist Ephraim Urevbu are now embedded in the sidewalk. Inside them are QR codes that tell chapters ...
ADHD walk' refers to the unusual walking patterns of people with ADHD. This can include irregular pacing such as sudden stops and starts, uncoordinated movements and frequent stumbling, and poor ...
If you’re looking to move your body more in 2025, a walking pad (or under-desk treadmill) is an easy way to get in a few extra steps without overhauling your routine. These compact alternatives ...
Officers from Northumbria Police are still hoping to trace six people in connection with disorder in Sunderland last summer. Earlier this month, Northumbria Police shared an appeal to identify 25 ...
The chances of getting killed by one of these animals are definitely on the slimmer side. When you do think of a dangerous animal what pops into your head first? For me, it's sharks and humans.
The romance of fine wines and chocolates and live music performances along with the camaraderie of fellow wine tasters was the highlight of this year’s Greater Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce ...
Dating coach Dan Rosenfeld highlights 8 types of people you'll encounter before meeting ... characters along the way. From The Walking Red Flag to The "Perfect on Paper", we've all had our fair ...