To keep infections at bay, it's crucial to maintain proper pool hygiene, including optimal disinfection levels.
Researchers say chlorine in combination with ultraviolet light works to degrade deadly toxins created by harmful algae blooms in drinking water. Treatment plants use a combination of tools to keep ...
You can’t contract the rash from another person, but the plant’s oil can transfer from your clothing. Hiking and biking in parks and woodlands are popular outdoor activities, but some native ...
Not everyone who swims in a chlorinated pool or sits in a chlorinated hot tub will develop a rash. Chlorine rashes are most common after repeated exposure. The symptoms of a chlorine rash can vary ...
Ever finish a long day at the beach or pool and notice itchy ... blisters that show up several hours after being in non-chlorine treated water, oceans or brackish water," says Dr. Jegasothy. "The rash ...
According to the CDC, the main symptom of shingles is a painful or itchy rash across the right or left side of the body. When a person first contracts VZV, they develop chickenpox, not shingles.
An inner-thigh rash may be caused by a variety of factors, including friction, chafing, an allergic reaction, a disease, and a health condition. Its appearance depends on the rash's trigger. The ...
The majority of people with psoriatic arthritis first experience skin symptoms. One of the most common is a rash with thick, discolored skin covered with flaky, lighter-colored patches.
Polymorphic light eruption (PMLE), commonly known as a sun rash or sun poisoning, is a type of photodermatosis triggered by an immune system reaction to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Not ...
The pool is planned to be built at Aerohub Enterprise Zone at Cornwall Airport Nasa's Glenn Research Center has signed an agreement with a company that wants to build the world's deepest pool in ...
Prescription medicines sometimes cause widespread rashes. Some are allergic, but most are not. Non-prescription (OTC) medicines rarely cause any rashes. Most rashes that occur while taking an OTC ...