Le Code civil de Napoléon a été vendu ce jeudi aux enchères à Paris, à 395.000 euros. Cet exemplaire ayant appartenu à ...
Ces jeudi et vendredi, l’hôtel Drouot à Paris accueille la vente aux enchères de la collection d’armes du marchand et expert ...
PORTRAIT - Cet ardent défenseur du patrimoine milite depuis un an contre le projet de vitraux contemporains à Notre-Dame de ...
If the United States were to withdraw from its nuclear commitment to Europe, France would likely take over responsibility for deterrence on the continent.
Sabre is up 16% since the beginning of the year, and at $4.14 per share, has set a new 52-week high. Investors who bought $1,000 worth of Sabre’s shares 5 years ago would now be looking at an ...
Above the skies of the Korean Peninsula, the F-86 Sabre formed one part of an epic aerial rivalry—against the MiG-15, the Soviet Union’s first mass-produced jet. If asked to name the most ...
L’équipage a répondu à un appel d’un autre policier hors service leur signalant la présence de cet homme avec “un sabre dans chaque main”, a détaillé le parquet. Lors de leur interve ...
D.R. Ce lundi 17 février 2025, le maréchal des logis-chef Sylvain et le gendarme Léo seront décorés au cours d’une cérémonie célébrée dans la Cour d’honneur de l’Hôtel national des Invalides, à Paris ...
Cairo-based Hafez, who pursued her passion for fencing while studying for her medical degree, became an Egyptian sabre ...
Nada Hafez competed for Egypt in the women's individual sabre fencing event at the Paris Olympics while seven months pregnant "I was thinking about my baby, that I want my baby to be an Olympian." ...
The third AI Summit, co-chaired by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, kicks off today (February 10) in Paris. It will explore how to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while ...
As mid-tier lifestyle brands toil to remain competitive and profitable, Maison de Sabré is carving out a new category of modern affordable luxury, powered by strategic licensing deals, pop culture ...