Brave New World director Julius Onah has explained why Harrison Ford's Red Hulk doesn't talk in the movie and reveals some of ...
He's as smart as the Hulk is strong, making him easily among the most dangerous villains in the entire Marvel Universe. 2008's The Incredible Hulk set up The Leader as a future MCU villain.
Brave New World 1/6th scale and, this time, the Red Hulk has been unleashed! You can take a closer look at the rageful ...
There's no way Marvel Studios will ever be able to adapt all of their stories to the big or small screen. There are still ...
Marvel and DC Comics have announced that they are going to start having crossovers again, and everyone is excited. Crossovers ...
The climactic battle between Hulk (Edward Norton) and the Abomination (Tim Roth) takes place in Harlem at the end of "The ...
The Hulk is the strongest one there is, and is known for his green, sometimes gray, skin. However, over the years, Marvel has ...
He's as smart as the Hulk is strong, making him easily among the most dangerous villains in the entire Marvel Universe. 2008's The Incredible Hulk set up The Leader as a future MCU villain.
If any villain ranks at the top in the Hulk’s ... Unlike the Hulk, who often displayed limited intelligence, Red Hulk was smart and cunning from the get-go. For two years, the true identity ...