Having high blood glucose levels can harm blood vessels over time. A damaged blood vessel in the brain may become blocked or break, which causes a stroke. A stroke is an emergency condition that can ...
Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental A surprisingly simple routine – flossing your teeth – may lower your risk of stroke, according to a new study reported at ...
Background: Small-artery occlusion (SAO) subtype accounts for a quarter of the cases of ischemic stroke and is mainly caused by pathological changes in cerebral small vessels, which also involve in ...
The framework implements a diagramming DSL together with a visualization grammar, thus allowing users to create diagrams by combining and transforming plots, as well as to create new visualization ...
The connection between cholesterol and stroke is complicated because their relationship varies based on the type of stroke and the type of cholesterol involved. Types of Stroke There are two major ...
Excalidraw is great for sketching diagrams as part of a design process, but chances are that you have to redo those sketches for documentation. This tool is made to bridge those tasks. Download a ...