A YOGA instructor was tackling heavy barbell squats at the gym when she ripped open an artery in her neck, triggering a stroke. Bridgette Salatin has now warned of the dangers of “ego ...
According to research, baby boomers in the UK are living longer but are in poorer health than previous generations - here are ...
The primary focus of leg movements during the butterfly stroke is powerful kicks. For optimal performance, swimmers should engage in regular leg exercises. It is highly recommended to practice ...
Discover the critical health markers that can help prevent stroke if you have a family history, plus advice on monitoring ...
Blood test likened to a lateral flow test used to detect Covid is being piloted by ambulance crews in Cambridgeshire ...
People who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity may be less likely to develop dementia, stroke, anxiety, ...
American Stroke Association unveils guidelines that could prevent up to 80% of strokes through eight essential lifestyle ...
The study by the University of Cambridge found that people could avoid up to one in 10 early deaths by doing this easy and ...
Getting in a certain amount of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can help lower the risk for neuropsychiatric ...
When we think of ways to protect our hearts, diet and exercise often come to mind first. But while doing enough cardio and ...
A new study reveals that physical activity may lower the risk of dementia, stroke, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.
We often talked on the phone for hours so that day in July 2019, seemed no different. That is, until I couldn’t get my words ...