NEW YORK (AP) — New York City on Wednesday marked the anniversary of the 1993 bombing at the old World Trade Center, when ...
CBS News features the latest story in our series about love that blossomed despite unimaginable odds. We call this series ...
Felix Sanchez, 29, a broker at Merrill Lynch, fled from his office minutes before the twin towers collapsed on September 11, the New York Post reported. Yesterday he was on board the Dominican ...
For both Fred and Janice, it was the beginning of a terrifying one hour and 42 minutes that would leave more than 2,800 innocent people dead and the Twin Towers, symbols of New York, shattered.
The man featured in one of the most stunning images as he walked on a high wire between the iconic Twin ... Towers in 1974 ...
I’m getting loosey-goosey just talking to you about it.” Since the financial crisis, luxury residential skyscrapers have gone ...
In January 1974, now 24 years old, he flew to New York City for the first time in his life to put his daring plan into action. After months scouting the towers, including posing as a journalist to ...
A piece of American history has been permanently installed in Fort Collins, as Poudre Fire Station #3 cemented a piece of the twin towers into ... him of his time in New York City over 20 years ...
An NYPD officer at the time, Joe Agron had left a day earlier on his birthday after he saw the news that a plane had flown into one of New York City's Twin Towers. Twelve hours had gone by since ...