When I revealed, in saddened tones, to a younger, politically-minded friend that Joe Haines had died, he looked blankly at me ...
But The Telepathy Tapes takes that faith one step further. Spelling is not just inspirational, the show suggests; it ...
In human rights work, we say what needs to be said. Sometimes, we say it for those who are unable to speak out at the moment ...
Many people feel morality is in decline and that their political opposition is more evil than ever. Kurt Gray's "Outraged" explains the roots of our discontent.
LORNE: The Man Who Invented “Saturday Night Live,” by ... Morrison extracts a suitably low-key moral: “If you learn how to stay afloat, and if you don’t expect that the show will always ...
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) and University Hospitals (UH) will use state-of-the-art medical ...
Archaeologist and scholar Giorgio Buccellati’s book At the Origins of Politics describes how Mesopotamia’s urban revolution in the late fourth millennium BC shaped a new mentality. The segmentation ...
Material distributed to teachers by the groups behind it, among other things, encouraged educators to put students through ...
DOGE owes everything to Gamergate, from its aesthetics to its tactics to its manpower, which largely draws on the same young ...
The only kind of spirituality that fits modern reality has to be living, breathing, and renewable every day. A great many people already accept and follow a path defined by their inner values. But ...
Do you know who Walter Hunt was? I am guessing you probably do not recognize the name, but he made a significant contribution that we all have used. In 1849 he invented the safety pin. He received his ...
The ghoulish spectacle of the coffins of children being paraded through the streets of Gaza to the cheers of the mob shows ...