Ultimate Winter Soldier is surprisingly Wolverine in Marvel's new universe. Bucky Barnes emerges as the unexpected Ultimate ...
Full Solicit for Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion #1 with Miles Morales, Billie Morales and the new Ultimate version of Peter Parker ...
Writer Deniz Camp called Absolute Martian Manhunter a “radical reinvention” of the DC Absolute line so far, and after seeing the first preview of Camp and artist Javier Rodriguez’s first issue, we can ...
Welcome to The A.V. Club ’s monthly comics preview, where we recommend new books to check out over the next few weeks. This ...
Deniz Bozkurt, lecturer at Chile’s Valparaiso University and ... He recalled experiencing three major storms during a ...
CBR has an exclusive interview with Absolute Martian Manhunter writer Deniz Camp and artist Javier Fernandez, along with a ...
Fans of DC’s Absolute Universe are getting their first look at Absolute Martian Manhunter, a book that promises to be the ...
The Ultimates #10 reveals how the android Human Torch, Captain America's teammate on the Invaders, killed Hitler.
Brigham Young University 780 6. University of Cincinnati 692 7. West Virginia University 464 Deniz Ertan, the runner-up in the 500 freestyle, won the 200 butterfly in 1:54.92. She was nearly two ...
Deniz Ertan reversed the order of finish in the 500 free way back on Wednesday, going 16:01.31 to pull away from teammate Alexa Reyna and get the win. It’s Ertan’s second victory, with the 200 ...