A silly, pulpy mystery entirely sure of its own conceit, “Drop” combines tech paranoia and the looming specter of abuse to ...
In Mimi Cave’s latest thriller, Nicole Kidman plays a '90s housewife with deep, yet seemingly unfounded, suspicions about her husband. But she should be suspicious—just look at the man’s hobbies!
The film follows Nancy Vandergroot, played by Nicole Kidman. Her picture-perfect life with her community pillar husband and ...
Director Mimi Cave and Holland Mayor Nathan Bocks will be holding the special "Holland" screening complete with a ...
Nicole Kidman flashes long legs in a sheer black and white dress at the premiere of her new mystery thriller Holland at SXSW ...
Residents living in Holland will have the opportunity to view a one-night only, pre-release screening of the upcoming thriller movie, HOLLAND, next week.
Yesterday, the world premiere of the new thriller Holland took place at the SXSW Film Festival at The Paramount Theatre. The ...
In Mimi Cave's sophomore feature, a Michigan homemaker's idyllic life comes undone upon learning her husband's secrets.
Hot film premieres, celebs on the red carpet, at after parties and in random bathrooms. Here are our highlights from the ...
Kidman stars in "Holland" as teacher Nancy Vandergroot, whose life with her husband (Matthew Macfadyen) and son (Jude Hill) ...
SXSW: Mimi Cave's great cast led by Nicole Kidman and Matthew Macfadyen makes the most of a madcap script that nearly ...