After U.S. Senator John Cornyn formally announced his re-election campaign on Wednesday, a potential challenger questioned ...
A health insurance company managing the care of sick and disabled children in Texas faces accusations of spying on state ...
But acting Ulster County Clerk Taylor Bruck refused to file the judgment against Carpenter, citing New York state’s shield ...
The Senate State Affairs Committee heard the bills Thursday, marking Texan's first chance to address lawmakers about the ban ...
Ulster County Clerk Taylor Bruck’s rejection of a ruling against Margaret Carpenter, who mailed abortion pills, will likely ...
But in a February 27 letter to Attorney General Ken Paxton, State Representative Jeff Leach cited "reports" that Sharia law ...
A New York county clerk refused to process a $113,000 fine against a New York doctor found guilty of prescribing ...
The conservative politicians are looking to an investigate the East Plano Islamic Center's plans to build a Muslim community ...
There’s one official candidate running for the United States Senate in 2026, the man who has the job now, John Cornyn. However – we’re watching three other possibilities.
Attorney General Ken Paxton announced an investigation Thursday into allegations that the company’s chief executive hired ...