Coca cultivation in Honduras spread to 16 municipalities in 2024 indicating that the crop has become an established criminal ...
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Authorities in Mexico transferred an unprecedented number of infamous drug traffickers wanted in the United States.
Following the kidnapping and murder of Camarena, Caro Quintero was arrested in April 1985 in Costa Rica and extradited to ...
InSight Crime reviews Latin America and the Caribbean’s cocaine seizure date from 2022 to find out what it reveals… Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a weekly digest of the latest organized crime ...
Suscríbase a nuestro boletín para recibir un resumen semanal de las últimas noticias sobre crimen organizado y mantenerse actualizado sobre los principales eventos, tendencias y dinámicas criminales ...
Tras cuatro décadas de maniobras exitosas para evitar la extradición a Estados Unidos, las autoridades mexicanas finalmente pusieron fin a la notoria carrera criminal de Rafael Caro Quintero al ...
Colombia is home to a billion-dollar black market gold sector that funds armed groups and organized crime, fuels corruption, ...
InSight Crime dives into our tenth annual homicide round-up, analyzing the organized crime dynamics behind the violence in ...
The balance of power in Colombia’s criminal underworld is in flux, as turbulent shakeups see major criminal players competing ...
El equilibrio de poder en el mundo criminal de Colombia está en constante cambio, marcado por turbulentos reacomodamientos donde los principales actores criminales compiten por el control de ...