Objective This study aims to investigate the safety and feasibility of early oral feeding in patients with gastric cancer after gastrectomy. Methods A total of 135 patients with gastric cancer who ...
Background As agency and capacity decline towards the end of life, compassion becomes an increasingly important and apposite feature of healthcare. Whilst more compassionate healthcare is being called ...
Background Today, euthanasia has become the option for terminally ill persons, in order to die with dignity. Palliative care on the other hand seeks to re-assure people with terminal or chronic ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
Most people die when they are old, but predicting exactly when this will occur is unavoidably uncertain. The health of older people is challenged by multimorbidity, disability and frailty. Frailty is ...
Introduction Routine assessment of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in oncology has shown to improve the quality of the delivered care and to prolong survival. However, for successful implementation ...
Objectives In severe heart disease, parenteral administration of loop diuretic is often needed. We present clinical outcomes from episodes of care using subcutaneous continuous subcutaneous infusion ...
Several of the palliative medications given subcutaneously are alkaline, including dexamethasone, esomeprazole, parecoxib, sodium valproate and tranexamic acid (alkaline, despite its name). Because pH ...
To assess from patients’ and clinicians’ observations if lidocaine is feasible, potentially effective, safe and tolerable. Method Sequential retrospective review of hospice inpatients over seven ...
Introduction/Background The potential benefit of using an anticipatory driver is more robust symptom management at the end of life, with less need for repeated ...