British Prime Minister Keir Starmer he said he felt “uncomfortable” seeing the heated clash between the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and its US counterpart Donald Trump which took place at ...
The Secretary of Commerce will lead the investigation into the national security implications of timber and timber products imports. To this end, various tasks are assigned to the competent ...
"It is a historic feat, yet another proof of Italian excellence that continues to stand out in the world", said Foreign Minister Tajani The Italian LuGRE (Lunar Gnss Receiver Experiment) payload, ...
For the sweets of Carnival 2025, Italians will spend almost 220 million euros, including frappe, chiacchiere, struffoli, arancini, tortelli and the many specialties of the regional tradition. This is ...
"The clinical conditions of the Holy Father have remained stable. He has alternated non-invasive mechanical ventilation with long periods of high-flow oxygen therapy, always maintaining a good ...
Three public projects in Tunisia, covering the sectors of transport, communication technologies and higher education, were approved during the third meeting of the Higher Committee for Major Works.
Trenitalia, in agreement with the Sardinia Region, has arranged special trains for the Sartiglia of Oristano and the 45th Edition of the Carnevale Su Marrulleri of Marrubiu, to offer an enhanced ...
Diverse migliaia assiepati lungo le rive e il molo Audace per assistere all'arrivo a Trieste della nave scuola della Marina ...
Giovani, startupper, commercianti, artigiani, piccole imprese, in cerca di un locale per la propria attività possono candidarsi per ...
La Polfer, durante un servizio in abiti civili in servizio presso la stazione di Milano Rogoredo, ha arrestato un cittadino algerino ...
I prezzi medi per chi acquista i dolci in panetterie, pasticcerie e supermercati si aggirano quest'anno sui 20 euro ma per le ...
Il segretario di Azione Carlo Calenda annuncia per domani 2 marzo, alle 17:00, delle manifestazioni in Italia a sostegno del presidente ...