The following was taken from one of the comic pages in our gallery: "The comics in this book were originally serialized in Nintendo Power magazine. The first of 12 parts appeared in January 1992 ...
Our A Link Between Worlds walkthrough is complete with every dungeon in the game. Please click a link below to visit the part of the game you need help with overcoming.
Do not use the following codes until you´ve beaten The Tower of Gods ...
Our Majora's Mask 3D Items guide will detail how to obtain each item in the game. The Majora's Mask 3D Item guide below will include every item that is located on the item screen in game and gear can ...
The Spirit Tracks Overworld Map below details the world of the game once all the tracks have appeared.
Before continuing the main objective in the Faron Wetlands, there are a few things to do throughout Hyrule. The first is to stop by Lueberry's House to spend some of ...
Eldin Volcano can be found in the northwest corner of the map. We haven't fully explored the western portion of Hyrule Field yet, so there are a number of collectibles that can be picked up on the way ...
Given for showing a man a Peahat echo in Suthorn Village as part of the "Finding the Flying Plant" side quest. There are two ponds on the west side of Suthorn Prarie. In the northern one, dive to the ...
As soon as you leave the Still World from the Suthorn Ruins dungeon, Minister Lefte will approach and ask where we are. You reveal yourself to be Zelda and catch her up. She reveals that the location ...
Now that we've completed Bottle Grotto, there's plenty of optional things to do and collect. If you're only interested in completing the main quest, feel free to skip ahead. Head left back through the ...
Head to South Clock Town and find the Business Scrub in the center of the west side of the map. Trade him the Moon's Tear for a Town Title Deed. Now use the Deku Flower to fly to the ledge of Clock ...
There's now only one more dungeon to complete and not much else before Link's Awakening is wrapped up. So let's get to it. After exiting Eagle's Tower, jump off the ledge to the right and then enter ...