A Tennessee judge has granted permanent oversight of long-term care icon Forrest Preston’s vast financial holdings to his son, Aubrey Preston.
Neurologists have called Forrest Preston, founder and owner of Life Care Centers of America, mentally unfit to manage his company.
A new study that examined six ways of measuring staff variability in US nursing homes highlights specific tools regulators could use ...
The grandchildren of a Kentucky nursing home resident are not bound by an arbitration agreement originally signed by the ...
People with Parkinson’s-related dementia have a higher risk of death after hip surgery compared with people with other forms of dementia, a study finds. The report was published on Feb. 23 in European ...
Older adults who are admitted to the hospital with their first ischemic stroke who have poor nutritional status upon admission have a higher risk of post-stroke myocardial injury, a study shows.
Changes in nursing homes ownership were found to lower direct care staffing levels, with nurse staffing comprising most of ...
It’s probably safe to say the Long Term Care Community Coalition is not your best friend. Time and again, it takes aim at the ...
The Department of Health and Human Services plans to revoke public participation from many of its rule-making processes, according to a policy set to be published in the Federal Register Monday.
A major study published in Infectious Diseases reveals that older COVID-19 hospitalization survivors face elevated health risks lasting up to two and a half years after discharge.
A new personalized home-based support program could significantly reduce emergency hospital admissions for older adults with mild frailty, according to a study published in The Lancet Healthy ...
Clinical Diabetes found that people with type 1 diabetes can achieve positive results with new diabetes technology when ...