荷兰驻上海总领事馆的工作重点是促进上海、浙江、江苏和安徽的经济关系、贸易促进和领事支持。总领事馆的经济部门包括经济事务部、创新部和荷兰外商投资局。 您可在此找到驻上海总领事 ...
如需领事服务(例如旅行证件、签证、荷兰护照、居住证或前往荷兰旅行),请查看网站NetherlandsWorldwide ...
荷兰驻广州总领事馆负责中国最具活力的地区之一:广东、广西、福建和海南四省。广州是大湾区经济的主要引擎,也是广东文化的中心。咫尺之遥的深圳市是全球科技创新中心。 您可在此找到 ...
荷兰人一直非常务实,以巧妙的解决方案、发明以及科学发现闻名于世,例如LED照明和WiFi。 荷兰电子舞蹈音乐、艺术、设计、游戏、时尚和建筑的流行让荷兰创意产业的盛名与日俱增。荷兰 ...
Inscrições abertas para submissão de propostas de colaboração cultural entre os Países Baixos e o Brasil, até 23 de Março de 2025. (english below) Buscando facilitar a cooperação internacional entre ...
Loupe is an indie rock band from Amsterdam and Antwerp, blending impulsive and hypnotic sounds, incorporating synth-pop and alternative folk. Their unique chemistry with Annemarie's smooth drum ...
El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de los Países Bajos trabaja para crear un mundo justo y sostenible. Lo hacemos convirtiendo la política de sostenibilidad en acciones concretas en nuestra propia ...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands works to create a just and sustainable world. We do this by converting sustainability policy into concrete actions in our own organization. As an ...
El Enviado de los Países Bajos para el Clima, Su Alteza Real el Príncipe Jaime de Borbón-Parma, estará en Colombia entre el 10 y el 14 de febrero, con el objetivo de reforzar la cooperación bilateral ...
For two days, key people in the field of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) from both Sweden and the Netherlands met at a roundtable discussion at the Dutch embassy. Advanced Therapy Medicinal ...
"One of the things I like most about India, is how open people are. Everyone tries to start a conversation with you, even if they don’t speak much English." Netherlandsworldwide.nl has information on ...
La economía circular es un concepto que ya está bien establecido en todo el mundo. Pide un cambio importante de una economía lineal y un enfoque de "tomar, fabricar y desechar" a un sistema circular ...