The authors note “We incorrectly cited NIH grant award P20 GM139767 in the Acknowledgments. The correct acknowledgment should be P20 GM139769.” The online version has been corrected. Note: The article ...
Edited by Joseph Kieber, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC; received November 27, 2024; accepted January 7, 2025 ...
The authors note that the author contributions footnote appeared incorrectly. The author contributions footnote should state: “R.L.C. and R.S. designed research; R ...
Today, engaged research is not consistently valued in faculty reward systems that still primarily emphasize scholarly contributions and outputs. In addition, we have heard from funders in TEFN that ...
I read with interest the paper by Bednarek et al. (1). They identify several factors that may hinder the implementation of engaged research. At the same time, Bednarek et al. give very insightful ...
The scaffold protein JIP1 plays a key role in the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway by facilitating the colocalization of multiple kinases, thereby ensuring their precise and efficient ...
Synthetic GenAI data offer many opportunities to advance scientific research. But they also present ethical challenges that must be addressed in order for researchers to take full advantage of the ...
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are crucial for identifying numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) linked to various diseases. However, current methods struggle with regional ...
Fossils of marine animals preserved in rocks formed in shallow water provide insight into the evolution of such ecosystems. However, few body fossils are found in deep-water sedimentary deposits, ...
The sustainable aviation challenge is attracting plenty of investment and brainpower—as well as government policies aiming to incentivize development. But the innovations coming out of these efforts ...
Neurophysiological research hints how we learned ceramics, and changed our brains in the process. Image credit: Vanessa Forte, Sapienza University of Rome. The advent and spread of ceramics thousands ...
PNAS is publishing an Editorial Expression of Concern for “Role of test motivation in intelligence testing,” by Angela Lee Duckworth, Patrick D. Quinn, Donald R. Lynam, Rolf Loeber, and Magda ...