Based on the support of financial data, communications technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI, the platform can realize the smart collection and analysis of agricultural data, and offer precise ...
However, the development of AI and the use of data face many challenges. AI's huge appetite for data may lead to a shortage of real-world data by 2028, and the exploration of synthetic data raises ...
By 2025, its intelligent computing power is estimated to exceed 1,037 EFLOPS in China, with open-source models as a major driver. This demonstrates that AI promotes the intelligent upgrade of all ...
China unveiled its inaugural electricity carbon footprint factor data in late January, marking a milestone in domestic carbon accounting. The data covers a wide range of energy sectors, from ...
Although launched less than a year ago, China's first AI large model for the diagnosis, operation and maintenance of industrial equipment has already been widely adopted in the coal, chemical and ...
As the Year of the Snake begins, various municipalities and provinces across China have already hosted their first planning meetings. These meetings are aimed at reinforcing the real economy, ...
Once a bustling fishing market, the Xiaoxigang area in Wuxi city, Jiangsu province in east China has undergone a remarkable transformation into a picturesque ecological park. Stretching 6.7 kilometers ...
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressed the role of private enterprises in advancing China's broader goals in terms of technological innovation, ...
惊蛰吹来的“花信风”,把春天叫醒。这些盛开在枝头的绚烂花朵,被巧手的工匠锻造成女子云鬓间风情万种的华美首饰。 这件来自1200多年前的华丽金冠,现藏于陕西省考古研究院。它的主人是唐高祖李渊的第五代孙女李倕。