the Data Lounge - Gay Celebrity Gossip, Gay Politics, Gay News …
Most impressive is photographer Nan Goldin’s crusade against them. There have been a smattering of threads, but not much discussion over the years, hopefully some more will happen here. And like the Tina/Meth threads, firsthand experience with …
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2023 · No, that would not have happened. The real truth is that the black performer would have stayed at the back of the house (like Tina Turner and Aretha Franklin did when they were on the road) and shut his/her mouth. And the black reporter would have been rejected, and then walked away quietly, probably cursing under his breath.
What celebrity have you seen in person that surprised you?
Dec 18, 2023 · 2008, TINA TURNER backstage (I had those "golden" tickets for a little meet & greet). Even with the heels and the big hair, she was tiny. Beautiful skin at 69 years old, incredibly charismatic. Some words, like "super" were pronounced with a bit of a German accent ("sooper")
Costars who hated each other-And it showed - the Data Lounge
May 3, 2020 · R11: There’s no denying it now. Kim was the real star of the show. She was the most talented of the girls, she made the show funny, and people watched because of her.