Swiss government - Homepage - Der Bundesrat admin.ch
Swiss government news and information. Switzerland and the European Union. In December 2024, Switzerland and the EU agreed on a package of new and revised cooperation and …
Der Bundesrat admin.ch - Startseite
Verteidigungsfähigkeit stärken. Der Bundesrat beantragt dem Parlament Verpflichtungskredite über 1,7 Mia. Franken. Diese sind für Investitionen in Rüstungsbeschaffungen und für …
Federal Presidency - Der Bundesrat admin.ch
Since the establishment of the Federal State in 1848, the function of the president has undergone a number of significant changes. Many traditions are actually far more recently established …
Der Bundesrat admin.ch - Startseite
Initiative "Ja zur tierversuchsfreien Zukunft" überzeugt die Regierung nicht. Der Bundesrat lehnt die Initiative "Ja zur tierversuchsfreien Zukunft" ab. Ein Verbot hätte gravierende Folgen, vor …
The seven members of the Federal Council - Der Bundesrat …
The Swiss government comprises the seven members of the Federal Council. The president is elected for a one-year term of office and is regarded during that time as ‘Primus inter pares’, or …
Federal Council - Der Bundesrat admin.ch
The Federal Council is the highest executive authority in the country. It comprises seven members, who are elected by the Federal Assembly. The Federal Council’s tasks are set out …
Federal Directory - Der Bundesrat admin.ch
The Federal Directory provides information on all contact persons and administrative units in the whole of the Federal Administration (i.e. the Federal Chancellery, all departments, the Federal …
Departments - Der Bundesrat admin.ch
https://www.admin.ch/content/gov/en/start/departments.html. The Federal Council. Contact; Footer Sitemap
Departemente - Der Bundesrat admin.ch
https://www.admin.ch/content/gov/de/start/departemente.html. Der Bundesrat. Kontakt; Footer Sitemap
Contact form - Der Bundesrat admin.ch
Contact. Federal Chancellery Federal Palace West Wing 3003 Bern. Tel. +41 58 462 21 11 [email protected]