12 Types of Blue Butterflies (With Pictures) - Wildlife Informer
Here are 12 blue butterfly species you should look into if you’re curious about the different types of blue butterflies: 1. Blue Morpho Butterfly. Scientific Name: Morpho peleides. Blue Morpho Butterfly is a type of butterfly found in South American rainforests. With a wingspan of up to 8 inches, it is one of the world’s largest butterflies.
55 Amazing Blue Butterflies (Pictures And Identification Guide)
Here are the most common species of butterflies that are blue in North America. 1. Red-spotted Admiral. The Red-spotted Admiral (Limenitis arthemis) is one of the common blue butterflies. It has a wing spread of up to 3.5 inches as an adult which exhibits its multiple shades of blue.
Sleeping Beauty: A baby Blue butterfly - Bug News
Jan 14, 2022 · This is a Blue butterfly caterpillar in the subfamily Polyommatinae (family: Lycaenidae). Or baby blue butterfly, as I like to call it since caterpillars are just immature butterflies. Its probably an Eastern Tailed Blue, Cupido comyntas , but it could also be a different species in the same family.
Blue butterfly | Morpho species, Wingspan & Habitat | Britannica
Blue butterfly, (subfamily Polyommatinae), any member of a group of insects in the widely distributed Lycaenidae family of common butterflies (order Lepidoptera). Adults are small and delicate, with a wingspan of 18 to 38 mm (0.75 inch to 1.5 inches).
Small Blue Butterfly: Identification, Life Cycle, and Behavior
Sep 27, 2023 · The Small Blue Butterfly is indeed a fascinating creature. As its name suggests, it is one of the tiniest butterflies, typically measuring between 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) to 1 inch (2.54 cm) when its wings are fully extended.
40 Different types of beautiful Blue Butterfly species
Blue Butterfly species are one of the most colorful and eye-catching flying insects that you can observe in your home garden or backyard. Here is a list of a worldwide collection of beautiful blue color Butterfly species. 1. Giant Blue Morpho or Morpho …
Silvery Blue Butterfly: Identification, Facts, & Pictures
Nov 6, 2018 · The Silvery Blue butterfly, known scientifically as Glaucopsyche lygdamus, is a captivating species that adorns the North American landscape. This guide delves into the intricacies of its life cycle, showcasing its beauty and the …
Small Blue Butterfly: Identification, Facts, & Pictures
Oct 14, 2018 · The Small Blue Butterfly, scientifically known as Cupido minimus, captivates enthusiasts with its delicate presence and fascinating lifecycle. This tiny butterfly, the smallest in the UK, thrives across diverse habitats, forming vibrant colonies.
Small, Blue Butterflies (Family Lycaenidae) – Field Station
May 17, 2016 · Today’s episode considers three small, blue “look-alike” butterflies—the Spring Azure and the Summer Azure, often referred to as the Spring Spring Azure and the Summer Spring Azure, and the Eastern Tailed Blue.
Blue butterflies – Museum of Zoology Blog
Apr 22, 2020 · Many species of blue butterfly (family Lycaenidae) have amazing lifecycles where their caterpillars interact with ants. For example, this caterpillar of a chalkhill blue is being tended to by a worker ant.