Build Your Own Chimney Swift Tower | Audubon North Carolina
Find out how you can help by counting swifts or even building a nesting tower. Across the state, volunteers and bird lovers are taking swift action to help protect Audubon North Carolina’s Bird-Friendly Communities 2016 Bird of the Year – the Chimney Swift.
Originally designed by Althea Rosina Sherman and introduced in her 1952 book Birds of an Iowa Dooryard (Christopher Publishing House, 1952), the Chimney Swift tower is a unique structure used to protect and encourage the nesting of Chimney Swift birds.
How to Build a Chimney Swift Tower - Triangle Gardener Magazine
Flying in flocks of a few birds to more than 1,000, the four- to five-inch swifts select a chimney, swarm in great swooping circles around it, then drop precipitously into it for a night’s rest. Have you ever wanted to attract them into your own garden?
Chimney Swifts | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - U.S. Fish and …
Chimney swifts arrive in the U.S. in March or April to breed and roost and then depart in August or September for South America’s upper Amazon basin of Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and Brazil, where they like to spend the winter. See the table below for the timing of spring and fall migration for different regions of the U.S.
Backyard Project: Build a Chimney Swift Tower - Wildtones
Sep 21, 2014 · You can help Chimney swifts by building a Chimney Swift tower which looks similar to a chimney, but is basically a bird house and roost box for Chimney swifts and is also used for staging for migration.
Mikey's Chimney Swift Tower - The Crochet Crowd
Apr 14, 2021 · I made a Chimney Swift Bird Tower in Spring 2021. Basically, a faux chimney to give Chimney Swift Birds a safe sheltering place.
Chimney Swifts (Chaetura pelagica) are in steep decline, and building a nesting tower to replace chimneys that are disappearing quickly in North Carolina due to capping or removal is an important way to help this special bird.
Here are the materials needed and the steps to construct your own Chimney Swift Tower, as described in the Helen Yoest story in the November-December 2021 issue of Triangle Gardener. The tower design and style that is recommend is published in a …
Chimney Swifts
the conservation of Chimney Swifts through. public education, preservation of existing habitat. and creation of new nesting and roosting sites. A Swift Night Out! Become a Conservation Partner! Spring Sightings . Rescue and Rehabilitation . Is There Chattering in Your Chimney? Chimney Swift Information Handout . Chaetura Canyon: A Travis ...
Chimney Swift Information Handout
It includes a brief life history of Chimney Swifts, tips for homeowners and basic information on the construction of Chimney Swift Towers. The publication makes an excellent handout for Audubon chapters, birding groups, Nature Centers and Parks Departments.