Logo - Church Of God
Under the copyright protection of the following logos, you may make single copies if they are solely for personal or individual church use, if you reserve the copyright and give proper credit.
Cross - Church of God Knowledge Encyclopedia
Catholic churches have many types of crosses. The Catholic Encyclopedia introduces 40 different kinds of crosses in one page. If it was only to represent the sacrifice of Jesus Christ without pagan influence, there should be one kind of cross in the church.
The Church of God’s brand identity is a representation of what the church has become and our vision for the future. How we visually portray ourselves expresses who we are.
Church of God Cross - Seiyaku
There's no corpus on the cross - Christ has risen! The hand symbolizes God reaching down from heaven, through the cross (the Gospel) of Jesus Christ, offering salvation to anyone who wishes to accept it. (See Meaning of the Cross)
What Is the Meaning of the Church of God Symbol? - symbolall.com
Jan 18, 2025 · The symbols of the Church of God are rich in theological and historical significance. The Cross signifies sacrificial atonement and reconciliation with God, reflecting Jesus' crucifixion.
Why is there no cross in the Church of God? - New Member FAQ
What will happen to people who go to church but ignore such words in the Bible and keep worshiping idols like the cross? God already warned the result of worshiping idols. “‘Cursed is the man who carves an image or casts an idol—a thing detestable to the LORD, the work of the craftsman’s hands—and sets it up in secret.’
The Cross and Jesus? - Church of God News
The images on this cross embody reconciliation: God’s call to communities of faith to be places of reconciliation and peace, God’s call to all the baptized to be ministers of reconciliation, engaging the path of goodness that offers reconciliation to all humanity and all creation.
Branding Guidelines - Church of God Ministries
The Cross “Jesus is the subject.” That is what brings us together. Note that the entire design is focused on the cross, drawing together around the cross, revealing the cross, making Jesus the center.
| Philadelphia Church of God
There is absolutely no evidence that God’s true Church ever used the cross symbol for any purpose. Nowhere does the Bible command its use. What an oversight if God required this of true Christians. But is it okay to wear a cross as a symbol of our personal faith?
The Meaning of the Cross – Church of God
Through the cross, redemption from sins became possible when Jesus cried out loud: “It is finished!” Father then explained that the cross has been a sign of the Christian faith ever since. However, it does not help to visibly display a cross made of wood, metal, or any other material.