Bella Vista, AR
Welcome to the City of Bella Vista, Arkansas. Hidden but accessible, the forested landscape boasts surprising bluffs, blue-green creeks, waterfalls and more. Thickly wooded and serenely natural, out your back door you can enjoy a day of fishing on one of the lakes, a run along 100 miles of trails, or a thrilling descent on your mountain bike.
Departments - Bella Vista, Arkansas
City of Bella Vista staff members work hard under the direction of our mayor and City Council to provide services to the residents who live here, and to help grow our city in a responsible way. Staff Directory
Welcome to the City of Bella Vista - Bella Vista, Arkansas
Welcome to the City of Bella Vista From a retirement destination to a mountain biking paradise, the appeal of Bella Vista has remained the same: outdoor recreation options for every adventure lover. Today, nearly 30,000 people call the city home, and a great place to live and play.
Community Development - Bella Vista, Arkansas
This City of Bella Vista office administers planning, engineering, permitting, and city trails. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (closed noon-1 p.m. daily for lunch) 101 Town Center | PO Box 5655 Bella Vista, AR 72714 479-268-4980
City Council Meeting Agenda; Planning Commission Meeting Agenda; Trail maps; Get Notifications from the City; Contact the City
The Department of Planning and Development is comprised of the following Divisions: Planning, Engineering, Trails/Active Transportation, and Development Compliance. These divisions work together to guide and manage the growth and development of the City of Bella Vista. NEW OFFICE LOCATION: 101 Town Center | PO Box 5655 Bella Vista, AR 72714
Effective June 2023, all public reports of code enforcement violations in the city should be directed by phone to the Bella Vista Police Department’s non-emergency number at 479-855-3771. For permitting questions, call 479-268-4980 or email [email protected] .
Human Resources - Bella Vista, Arkansas
Whether you’re seeking your first job or are a seasoned professional, we invite you to explore opportunities at the City of Bella Vista. Our city is nestled among an abundance of towering trees and rolling hills.
The staff provides the City of Bella Vista with current and comprehensive planning services and is responsible for managing growth and development within the city limits and planning area surrounding the city limits.
Residential Building FAQs - bellavista
Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions related to residential building in the City of Bella Vista. If you have further questions, contact our office at 479-268-4980.