Tom Ford Snowdon FT0237 - Bond Lifestyle
Tom Ford announced that James Bond (Daniel Craig) wears Tom Ford Snowdon FT0237 sunglasses in SPECTRE. The sunglasses are worn in the Rome funeral scene. There has …
Tom Ford 108 - James Bond - Quantum of Solace - Sunglasses ID
In the 22nd Bond movie Quantum of Solace, Daniel Craig as James Bond wears Tom Ford 108 sunglasses. Since GoldenEye, Bond has usually worn Persol sunglasses, but in Quantum of …
Every pair of sunglasses James Bond wore in No Time To Die
Feb 23, 2025 · Back when Daniel Craig debuted his 007 in Casino Royale, he couldn’t decide between two prized pairs of Persols (2720s and 2244s, if you were wondering…). In Quantum …
Tom Ford FT108 - Bond Lifestyle
In Quantum of Solace (2008), James Bond (Daniel Craig) wears Tom Ford sunglasses, model FT108. Although they are very similar or identical to Oliver Peoples Airman sunglasses, they …
A Guide to James Bond’s Sunglasses and Eyeglasses
Jul 4, 2022 · For Quantum of Solace, James Bond’s new clothier Tom Ford provided the sunglasses, and Bond wears a single pair throughout the film with a number of different outfits. …
Tom Ford Marko FT0144 - Bond Lifestyle
The Tom Ford Marko FT0144 (sometimes named TF144) sunglasses are worn by James Bond (Daniel Craig) in the movie SkyFall (2012). These sunglasses are also worn by Daniel Craig …
What Sunglasses Does Daniel Craig as James Bond Wear as …
Oct 9, 2022 · What Sunglasses Does Daniel Craig as James Bond Wear as Agent 007 in Spectre (2015)? Let’s get to it. Source: SPECTRE / Sony Entertainment Pictures. A sleek square pair …
Daniel Craig wears Tom Ford Sunglasses in New James Bond …
Top fashion designer Tom Ford has signed on to dress our British Secret Agent head-to-toe in all his clobber – including the latest Tom Ford Sunglasses as you can see in these on-set photos …
Tom Ford ‘Snowdon’ sunglasses worn by Daniel Craig as James …
A pair of Tom Ford ‘Snowdon’ sunglasses worn by Daniel Craig as James Bond Tom Ford Snowdon FT0237 sunglasses, with frame colour Havana 52N and grey lenses, size 50. …
Tom Ford Snowdon - James Bond Spectre Sunglasses - Black
So we couldn't help but spot the world's favorite secret agent, played by Daniel Craig, wearing the Tom Ford Snowdon sunglasses (the frame shape offered here). Handmade in Italy, the …