“HOW YOU ARE PERCEIVED IS YOUR REALITY” ~ Donald Wayne McLeod Scottish dialect: "O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!" English: Oh would some …
Donald Wayne McLeod has been teaching 21st Century Theme Skills for the past 6 years. He has an inherent ability to connect with others on a personal level and can teach you to do the …
Donald Wayne McLeod created PERCEPTIONOLOGY to enable you to hear the truth. Discussing everything from being the “Best Hello” to the “Best Goodbye” and everything in between, you …
Recomendations For Donald Wayne Mcleod - PERCEPTIONOLOGY
I've found Mr. Donald Wayne McLeod to be the most captivating, thought provoking, and caring speaker who offers his audience fresh ideas to challenge and enhance their
I've found Mr. Donald Wayne McLeod to be the most captivating, thought provoking,and caring speaker who offers his audience fresh ideas to challenge and enhancetheir individual …
CONTACT - perceptionology.com
PERCEPTIONOLOGY, LLC P.O. BOX 451 Chardon, Ohio 44024 Cell:216.210.5420 www.PERCEPTIONOLOGY.com [email protected] …
Donald Wayne McLeod is not only an astonishingly energetic motivational speakerwho is able to hold captive the attentions of a group of 50+ high school students, but he isalso an extremely …
Donald-Wayne-Mcleod-/communication-skills - PERCEPTIONOLOGY
It is amazing to me the lack of development regarding interpersonal communicationskills between juniors in high school and seniors in college. You would think that therewould be a tremendous …
BUSINESS - perceptionology.com
Your employees / members need to understand their importance to the growth and wellness of your business / organization, that they are being perceived 24/7 and how they are perceived is …
Wayne’s insightful, pertinent and timely message. Students are not the only ones to benefit from Donald Wayne’s information.