10 km E of Orcas, Washington - USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
15 hours ago · The Earthquake Event Page application supports most recent browsers, view supported browsers.Or, try our Real-time Notifications, Feeds, and Web Services.Real-time Notifications, Feeds, and Web Services.
Did You Feel It? - USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
5 days ago · Did You Feel It? (DYFI) collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates maps that show what people experienced and the extent of damage.
Earthquake map - EMSC
EMSC (European Mediterranean Seismological Centre) provides real time earthquake information for seismic events with magnitude larger than 5 in the European Mediterranean area and larger than 7 in the rest of the world.
ShakeMap - USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
4 days ago · The ShakeMap Atlas (~14,100 events, 1900-2019) provides a consistent and quantitative description of the distribution of shaking intensity for calibrating global earthquake loss estimation methodologies used in PAGER.
Seismic Monitor - Recent earthquakes on a world map and much …
The latest earthquakes on a map with news, lists, and links. Mapa de últimos terremotos incluso boletines, noticias y enlaces.
University of Athens - Earthquakes of the last 2 days in Greece
5 days ago · Click on headers to sort table # Sol. Type Origin Time (GMT) Epicentral Location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) Depth
Real-Time Earthquake Map - University of California, Berkeley
Load M2.5+, past week Load all, past day Load all, past week (warning, slow)
Latest Earthquakes Map and List | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
View most recent events or search for past earthquakes. Optimized for mobile and desktop.
Recent Quakes - Seismological Laboratory
The Community Internet Intensity Map is a U.S. Geological Survey project to collect information about ground shaking following significant earthquakes. Maps and lists of recent world-wide events from the National Earthquake Information Center. For educational links see …
The complete Earthquake Overview Online
We gather information about the latest earthquakes from reliable sources, and present this information in an easy-to-understand way. We offer dedicated earthquake reports for all countries and regions, and many cities and places across the planet. We publish news articles on significant earthquakes near population centers.