EngineerGirl - Homepage
The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women.
EngineerGirl Writing Contest
Every year, EngineerGirl hosts a contest dealing with engineering and its impact on our world. The topic and detailed instructions for the contest are posted in September with a deadline for submissions on February 1st of the following year. Winners are announced in the summer.
2024 Writing Contest Winners - EngineerGirl
These winning entries in the 2024 EngineerGirl Writing Contest showcase the lifecycle of everyday items and the types of engineering involved along the way. Congratulations to all winners and finalists!
EngineerGirl - EngineerGirl Ambassadors
An EngineerGirl Ambassador is a female, U.S. high school student who designs, develops, and implements a project in her local community that will encourage younger girls - particularly those with little access to engineering role models - to think about engineering and engineering careers and give them practical experience in engineering design.
EngineerGirl - 2025 Writing Contest Rules and Regulations
Take time to learn about engineers and engineering in general. The better you understand the engineering design process, the clearer and more persuasive you can be in your writing. Include specific, detailed examples.
EngineerGirl - Engineering Careers
There are a wide variety of engineering careers, and they are changing every day! We have grouped careers into 13 engineering career categories with a special XS
EngineerGirl - 2025 Writing Contest: Innovating Smarter
Submissions will be judged by a slate of volunteers that include professionals from various engineering fields. In addition to checking that submissions meet all of the basic rules, they will be looking for: Presentation of engineering (~50%) Perspectives considered (~35%) Quality of …
EngineerGirl - About
The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women. Why girls and women? Because despite an increase in female participation in many traditionally male-dominated professions such as medicine and law, women remain grossly under-represented in engineering.
2024 Writing Contest: The Secret Life of Everyday Items
The 2024 EngineerGirl Writing Contest invited students to write a piece exploring the lifecycle of everyday items and the types of engineering involved along the way. Read the Winning Essays! Grade Level Specifications | Deadline | Judging & Prizes
How to Get There - EngineerGirl
Apr 21, 2021 · Check out this new forum showcasing stories about different engineering teams and projects! Desert WAVE dissecting Falcon Robotics' old submarine. A student at P.K. Yonge demonstrating the Degrees of Freedom symbol.