CONNECT KIDS FIELD TRIP GRANT PROGRAM The kS Grant Program is designed to connect students in New York State with nature and history. Each grant prcwides reimbursement for field trips to State and federal parks. historic sites, fish hatcheries and outdoor are Please note that Connect Kids Applica- tions are accepted on a rolling basis. Make
Typically include a rotation of a naturalist-led session, lunch, and a teacher-led hike. These trips can take place at Motts Run Reservoir, Alum Spring Park, or any other park (unless otherwise noted). Limit 2 classes/day. A naturalist will bring the activity to your classroom - …
Learn about all the elements that plants need to grow and how our greenhouse helps this process. We’ll explore the different part of our edible plants and play a game to see who can name all the important plant parts! Then we’ll enjoy a …
Field Trips - Mequon Nature Preserve
Field trips for the 2025-2026 academic year will be open for registration starting April 1. Before scheduling a trip, look through our Field Trip Brochure to see what trip best fits your students! This brochure also contains DCI standards met for each trip.
Field trips are an hour and a half long and include a short lesson, content-themed tour of the farm, explorative activity, and of course, lots of snacking! We schedule field trips Monday-Thursday in the spring and fall and ask for sliding scale payment of $0-10 per student.
Field Trips will include three tours on the grounds of the Arboretum. Children will tour through one of the many Arboretum trails, Westbrook Manor and the CSA Farm.
77+ Free Templates for 'Field trip' - PosterMyWall
Create free field trip flyers, posters, social media graphics and videos in minutes. Choose from 70+ eye-catching templates to wow your audience
Field Trips - Silver Bell Farm
Family Networks, School Teachers, Day Care Providers, and other educational groups are all invited to visit Silver Bell Farm for a fun and educational field trip. A basic field trip for the Fall is described below. For more information, call 413-596-4370, or download one of our field trip brochures for more information and prices. Basic Fall ...
customized field trips that are tailored to individual budgets, and curricula. No group is too big or too small. We partner with many attractions, restaurants, hotels, etc., to offer student group discounts. We understand how hard it is being a teacher these days without also having to be a "travel planner", and that is why we are here
Field Trip Brochure Freebie by Page Products - TPT
This field trip brochure can be used with any field trip. A perfect way to make a field trip meaningful.