Home Page - Grace Baptist Church
Welcome to Grace Baptist Church of Owatonna, MN. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us better. As you peruse our website, we trust you will grasp our heartbeat for God, His Word, and people.
Watch Our Service Live - Grace Baptist Church
Church Websites by Finalweb 2.0 We use cookies to improve your experience and to collect analytical data about how you use our website. This helps us understand user behavior and make necessary improvements.
Pastoral Staff - Grace Baptist Church
Church Websites by Finalweb 2.0 We use cookies to improve your experience and to collect analytical data about how you use our website. This helps us understand user behavior and make necessary improvements.
About - Grace Baptist Church
Welcome to Grace Baptist Church of Owatonna, MN. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us better. As you peruse our website, I trust you will grasp our heartbeat for God, His Word, and people.
History - Grace Baptist Church
By God’s grace, Grace Baptist Church was organized to bring Him glory, to minister to believers and equip them in serving the Lord locally and around the world, and to provide a fundamental Baptist witness in Owatonna.
Contact Us - Grace Baptist Church
Address: 265 26th Street NE, Owatonna, MN. Phone Number: (507) 451-3494. Email: [email protected]
Calendar - Grace Baptist Church
Church Websites by Finalweb 2.0 We use cookies to improve your experience and to collect analytical data about how you use our website. This helps us understand user behavior and make necessary improvements.
Sermons - Grace Baptist Church
Jan 2, 2022 · Church Websites by Finalweb 2.0 We use cookies to improve your experience and to collect analytical data about how you use our website. This helps us understand user behavior and make necessary improvements.
Core Values - Grace Baptist Church
Grace Baptist Church (GBC) desires to pattern itself after the early New Testament church (Acts 2:42-47). They emphasized five priorities. GBC exists to honor God by growing together, learning Truth, serving others, and proclaiming Jesus. Honoring God: we want to glorify God in all we do.
Grace Baptist Church
Church Websites by Finalweb 2.0 We use cookies to improve your experience and to collect analytical data about how you use our website. This helps us understand user behavior and make necessary improvements.