Parks & Recreation - City of Harrisburg
The City maintains 25 parks and playgrounds. The largest parks include City Island, Riverfront Park, Reservoir Park and Italian Lake. Please review the park regulations for more information.
Parks and Recreation Adopt-A-Bench - City of Harrisburg
Parks & Recreation Adopt-A-Bench Adopt-A-Bench Overview To have a bench placed in a park, please email [email protected] where you would like the bench and if you would like it personalized to start the process.
Department of Parks, Recreation, and Maintanence
Harrisburg’s large and diverse parks and recreation system, surrounded by the Capital Area Greenbelt, provides something for everyone. The Greenbelt is a 20-mile trail loop through and around Harrisburg.
Parks and Recreation Programs - City of Harrisburg
These free programs enrich our Harrisburg communities and neighborhoods by people of all ages with fun and free activities such as Art in the Park, The Summer Enrichment Program, Aqua Zumba, and more!
Parks and Recreation - City of Harrisburg
These events are hosted by the City of Harrisburg’s Parks and Recreation Department.
Parks & Recreation Summer Enrichment Program - City of …
This program also has several different activities to keep children active all summer long at 8 different parks such as art, yoga, pool trips, and more! We are also running several evening programs this summer such as Learn to Swim, Tennis, Art in the Park, and more!
Parks and Recreation - City of Harrisburg
The Parks and Recreation 3rd annual Bunny Blast is Back! Join us at Sunshine Park on Sunday April 6th from 10am-1pm for activities for the whole family! We will be having an Easter egg hunt, free food, face painting, a live DJ, crafts and more!
Family Fishing Day, Halloween “Bash”, and Holiday Parade …
Oct 4, 2023 · HARRISBURG – Free family friendly events are taking place throughout the fall season in Harrisburg, thanks to the city’s Parks & Recreation department. Starting this Saturday, October 7, join families from throughout Harrisburg at Italian Lake and have a “reel” good time for the annual Family Fishing Day.
Bureau of Parks Maintenance - City of Harrisburg
The Bureau of Parks Maintenance maintains the grounds of all City-owned and operated parks and playgrounds including over 530 acres of parkland, grounds adjacent to occupied buildings and 15 miles of right-of-way containing over 2,500 street trees.
Careers - City of Harrisburg
Thank you for your interest in seasonal employment with the City of Harrisburg. We invite you to visit our Parks and Recreation page to submit a seasonal employment application. Current Openings