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  1. Copilot Answer

    Lisbon Airport Parking - Short/Long Term Parking & Rates

    • There is no stopping allowed directly outside the departures and arrivals halls at Terminal 1, but there are clearly signed "Kiss & Fly" zones at both terminals where you can stop for ten minutes free of charg… See more

    Parking Rates

    P1- Each period of 15 minutes costs €0.90 up to a maximum of €43.15 for the first day. After 24 … See more

    Lisbon Airport
    Finding The Car Parks

    The main access to the airport is from the E1 motorway. The car parks are all well signposted with the blue "P" along with the number of the car park. To return a hire car, follow the "… See more

    Lisbon Airport
    Off-Airport Parking

    Cheaper long-term parking is available with companies which provide off-airport parking. The facilities are usually close to the airport and a shuttle bus service to and from the ter… See more

    Lisbon Airport
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