Does anyone know what CNT-FAI stands for? : r/Kaiserreich - Reddit
Dec 24, 2022 · The CNT was the biggest anarchist trade union in Iberia. The FAI was a secret society within the CNT that provided armed protection for strikers, carried out assassinations and more generally kept the focus of the trade union on anarchism.
Tags for Carlist spain and CNT FAI : r/Kaiserreich - Reddit
Jun 27, 2021 · Write "tdebug" in the console and you should see a country's tag when you hover the cursor over it. Welcome to the official subreddit for Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg! Kaiserreich is an Alternate History MOD for Hearts of Iron 4 and Darkest Hour.
Is the CNT-FAI playable? If so, how? : r/Kaiserreich - Reddit
Jun 20, 2017 · I've been wondering whether or not to play as Spain, and the reason why I'd like to is to turn into a syndicalist nation and help the French in the war against Germany. I just don't know how to become them, and I'm afraid of going down a long road through the game without ever becoming the CNT-FAI, if you can even play as them.
Spain - The Kaiserreich Wiki | Fandom
Three Carlist Wars, a failed Republic, controversial Restoration, and the loss of the last remnants of Spain’s colonial empire to the rising United States left the country to enter the 20th century in humiliation and profound socio-political division.
Kaiserreich - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki
May 19, 2024 · Kaiserreich is an alternate history Total Conversion Mod for Darkest Hour and Hearts of Iron IV. The point of divergence in this mod is the Central Power victory over the Entente in the first World War. It can be downloaded from this …
Shower thought - Kaiserreich Mod? :: Strategic Command WWII: …
Spanish Civil War: CNT-FAI Vs Kingdom Vs Carlists. Like in the 2ACW the Entente/Reichspakt have the option to choose either the Carlists (Who guarantee a completely conquered but devastated Spain) or the Kingdom (Who will only manage to take the south and central parts of Spain with the CNT-FAI holding out in the north by the time the Weltkrieg ...
Hearts of Iron IV Kaiserreich - CNT-FAI - YouTube
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Why does the CNT-FAI keep winning? : r/Kaiserreich - Reddit
Jun 5, 2019 · Why does the CNT-FAI keep winning? They consistently win, and for some reason have more divisions than the other sides of the war. It makes for a boring experience when there should be some variance. CNT FAI AI spams militia, while the other factions spam 20w infantry. In a civil war, weight of numbers counts.
Commune of France | The Kaiserreich Wiki | Fandom
The Commune of France is the leader of the Third International and maintains good relations with almost all socialist countries and major socialist movements around the world, such as the CNT-FAI of Spain.