About Keep-it Technologies® - Holdbarhetsindikatoren Keep-it …
By the end of 2017 Keep-it Technologies® has sold 40 million indicators. A Norwegian idea. Milestones. Customers. The Keep-it indicator shows the actual shelf life of fresh food, and …
Brandfetch | Keep-It Technologies Logos & Brand Assets
This ingenious indicator displays the actual shelf life of your food, helping you reduce waste and save money. Using state-of-the-art technology, the Keep-it® indicator continuously monitors …
Keep-it Technologies - Wikipedia
Keep-it Technologies (formerly TimeTemp) is a spin-off technology company from The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in Ås, just outside Oslo in Norway. Keep-it Technologies …
A Norwegian idea - Holdbarhetsindikatoren Keep-it (en)
This eventually resulted in the “Keep-it® shelf life indicator”, which was launched in Norwegian supermarkets in 2012. By the end of 2017 Keep-it Technologies® has sold 40 million …
Milestones - Holdbarhetsindikatoren Keep-it (en)
2015 Keep-it Technologies receives the Local EAT Award for the best sustainable solution for the environment and health, awarded by the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and …
The Keep-it indicator is a new game changing Norwegian innovation. The indicator measures shelf life based on time and temperature and gives a real-time view of the remaining shelf life …
Keep-it Technologies AS | LinkedIn
Keep-it Technologies AS | 369 følgere på LinkedIn. Intelligent shelf life indicator (TTI) that secures food safety, quality and reduces food waste (40-60%). | The Keep-it indicator is a new...
The Keep-it indicator is a label that constantly monitors temperature over time, and therefore shows the actual temperature dependent shelf life of a product. The mechanism of the …
Keep-it Technologies AS - interfishmarket.com
The Keep-it® indicator gives you accurate and real time information about the remaining shelf life and durability of perishable food. Keep-it® help you save money and saves the environment …
Keep-it holdbarhetsindikator er... - Oslo lufthavn Gardermoen
Keep-it holdbarhetsindikator er kåret til nasjonal Made in Norway-vinner Vi gratulerer! Les mer om bedriften her: http://www.keep-it.no/ Samarbeidspartnere: Innovasjon Norge, Norges...