Kosher Kings | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Oct 23, 2011 · The Kosher King chicks we ordered from Noll's Hatchery arrived on Thursday. We ordered 50 chicks, and 52 arrived. We raised Freedom Rangers this spring, so I'm interested to see how the growth rate on these birds compares. Our FR's reached an average of 5.5 pounds apiece by 9 weeks. Anyone...
Breeding kosher kings | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Jun 16, 2017 · Kosher Kings do not reproduce true to type as a cross. But you can breed them, it's just the Hybrid Vigor will be absent. A way to get a good broiler from breeding crosses is to introduce a good meat bird that has almost none to no relationship in breeding to the Kings. This way Hybrid Vigor will still be prevalent. But you can still breed the ...
Kosher Kings vs Red Ranger males vs Freedom Ranger Color Yield
Jul 28, 2008 · I've raised Freedom Rangers in the past and have been happy with the results. Since then they have added new meat bird options. I was curious if anyone wanted to post their experiences with Kosher Kings, or Freedom Ranger's Red Ranger males or Color Yield hybrids.
Kosher King as sustainable breeder - BackYard Chickens
May 14, 2019 · Just about any rooster is able to mate with just about any hen. Any chicken can be eaten. Crossing Kosher Kings with each other, or with your other roosters, will probably give you chickens that grow faster and bigger than most other chickens; but they will probably not grow as big or as fast as the kosher kings you bought.
Kosher Kings? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Feb 19, 2010 · That just mean you can't sever the neck all the way. I can't remember if it is Halal or Kosher but you can't stun them beforehand either. You can use any breed you like. You can not use the knives for non-kosher processing though. You should always process Kosher before any other processing because the equip must be Kosher.
Breed Kosher Kings? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Jun 15, 2017 · Pretty much chicken size with the only advantage being they mature a little faster than standard breeds. By no means are they even close to Cornish X. The largest birds at 8 weeks to time of butcher, I'd assume slaughter would be 14 to 15 weeks, are the birds you want to choose breeder stock from.
Questions from a first-timer (Freedom Ranger/Kosher King)
May 20, 2023 · Hi everyone, I'm new here, and we're preparing to start our chicken journey this summer. We're going with meat chickens - likely Freedom Rangers and Kosher...
Kosher King | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
Jan 22, 2013 · We raised Kosher Kings we ordered from Noll's hatchery a year ago. I called and found that Noll's has sold to Moyers. Does anyone know if they are selling the breeds that Noll's had? Or does anyone know where I can order them from? Or does anybody have any other suggestions for good free range meat birds that are reasonable priced? Brandy
Kosher Kings vs Red Ranger males vs Freedom Ranger Color Yield
Dec 7, 2016 · I have absolutely no personal experience with any meat breeds. My knowledge is all being grained by following various meat chicken raising threads. I just find it all so interesting. Especially when some of the hens of any meaties are held back for breeding or egg laying. All sorts of interesting stuff then happens.
Just ordered 50 Kosher Kings - BackYard Chickens
Dec 1, 2009 · Noll's Poultry Farm Kleinfeltersville, PA 17039 (717) 949-3560 Fax (717)949-3722 Business hours 9-12 & 1-5 Monday through Friday