Home | Virtual Lab School
The Virtual Lab School (VLS) empowers child care professionals to build their knowledge and improve their practices through a robust online professional development system.
Login - PowerSchool
Streamline enrollment for new student applications and enrollment, school choice and lotteries, annual student. Login to PowerSchool Enrollment
Families - Clever
Kids use Clever to easily log in and learn with resources selected by their teachers. Now, parents and guardians can use Clever, too! See how Clever helps you stay connected to your child’s education.
Log Cabin School
At Log Cabin School we try to be an extension of the home, compliment what is done in the home and help your child reach their full social and academic potential. Children are taught the Golden Rule - “Do to Others as you want them to do to you.”
Epic Login
Log in to your existing account or create a new one. Start reading on Epic!
MyChildAtSchool - Login
Remember Email Address. Reset Password. Sign Up
K12 Online School
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Duval County Public Schools - Redirecting
Log in to Duval County Public Schools' Focus system to access student grades, attendance, and other information.
Play Prodigy
Log in here to play Prodigy Math and Prodigy English.
Lee County Schools - Focus School Software
Lee County's Focus Parent Portal app provides parents / guardians a real-time view of their child's assignment grades, attendance, current grade averages in all classes, as well as progress monitoring results. Parents who have registered for a Focus Parent Portal account and linked their students, may log in above.