The Amish Today | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
July 2006. Credit: Daniel Rodriguez Amish children are increasingly exposed to modern technology. These boys at a public auction are playing on a forklift owned by a non-Amish person.
Who is Amish? | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
The American Experience documentary The Amish portrays Old Order Amish people and communities in North America. They are a distinctive Christian subculture that traces its roots to the 16th ...
Amish in America | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
The first Amish arrived in America in the mid 1700s. Explore a timeline of events from their arrival through 2011.
Questions About the Amish | American Experience | PBS
Amish people end formal education at the eighth grade, do not hold political office, restrict involvement with outsiders, selectively use modern technologies, and are conscientious objectors to war.
The Amish Dilemma | PBS
-Help farm. -Jessica, girls side? -Help Mom at home. -For the Amish, too much education would risk alienating the children from the community and subject them to the temptations of the modern world.
Does modern society worsen allergies and asthma? Ask the Amish
Aug 4, 2016 · A recent study compares the health of Amish children with others, its conclusion boosts support for the so-called hygiene hypothesis: the idea that a lack of early childhood exposure to a ...
Former Amish Katie Troyer | American Experience | PBS
Katie is a little person, she stands three feet four inches tall. She brings a unique perspective (literally and figuratively) to life as an Amish person and now as former Amish.
Rules of a Godly Life | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
Among the Amish, "Rules of a Godly Life" are considered more of an annex to the Bible — an inspirational book to help guide the way to a more fulfilling life.
Evolution: Library: Genetic Drift and the Founder Effect - PBS
Eastern Pennsylvania is home to beautiful farmlands and countryside, but it's also a gold mine of information for geneticists, who have studied the region's Amish culture for decades.
American Experience | The Amish Chapter 1 | Season 24 - PBS
An intimate portrait of contemporary Amish faith and life, this film examines how such a closed and communal culture has thrived within one of the most open, individualistic societies on earth.