Large deltaic systems containing sand, shale and coal were developed in the northern North Sea and the Horda Platform (Brent Group). In the Norwegian-Dan-ish Basin and the Stord Basin, …
4.1 - Geology of the North Sea - The Norwegian Offshore …
Large deltaic systems containing sand, shale and coal were developed in the northern North Sea and the Horda Platform (Brent Group). In the Norwegian-Danish Basin and the Stord Basin, …
Field: FRIGG - Norwegianpetroleum.no
Frigg produced gas from deep marine, turbiditic sandstone of Eocene age in the Frigg Formation, at a depth of 1900 metres. The field was produced by pressure depletion. The gas was …
Frigg Field - Offshore Technology
Oct 12, 2009 · The Frigg field is located 230km north-west of Stavanger between the continental shelves of the UK and Norwegian borders in North Sea. The field was discovered in 1971 in …
4.2.2 Abandoned hydrocarbon fields - The Norwegian Offshore …
The fields and the main aquifers in the petroleum provinces in the North Sea are shown in the maps. Many of the big fields in the Lower –Middle Jurassic Statfjord, Brent and Sleipner …
Stratigraphy: FRIGG FM - Factpages - Norwegian Offshore …
2 days ago · The Frigg Formation is found in the southwestern part of quadrant 30, the northwestern part of quadrant 25, and in adjacent areas in the UK sector. The Frigg sands of …
Eocene stratigraphy of the North Sea basin - ScienceDirect
Apr 1, 1994 · The Eocene of the North Sea basin has been divided into five stratigraphic sequences named the Dornoch, Balder, Frigg, Alba and Grid. The Palaeocene-Eocene …
Field: FRIGG - Factpages - Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Frigg produced gas from deep marine, turbiditic sandstone of Eocene age in the Frigg Formation, at a depth of 1900 metres. The field was produced by pressure depletion. The gas was …
Location map of the Great Frigg Area and detailed map of the …
Examples from the Hild, Visund and Ula fields from the Norwegian North Sea illustrate the identification of sand bodies which served as highly interconnected “pipelines” during reservoir...
NW European Stratigraphic Lexica - TimeScale Foundation
The Frigg Member is found in the southwestern part of quadrant 30, the northwestern part of quadrant 25, and in adjacent areas in the UK sector. The Frigg Member sands of the Beryl and …
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