Report on fatal Alaska air ambulance crash suggests crew
Nov 19, 2020 · Lost in the crash were pilot Patrick Coyle, 63; flight paramedic Margaret Langston, 43; and flight nurse Stacie Morse, 30. Coyle was a seasoned pilot with thousands of hours of flying time.
Community remembers Guardian Flight crew lost in January …
Jun 7, 2019 · In an emotional memorial service at Juneau-Douglas High School, speakers remembered pilot Patrick Coyle, 63, paramedic Margaret Langston, 43, and flight nurse Stacie Morse, 30, who was...
NTSB: no obvious cause of fatal 2019 air ambulance crash
Nov 19, 2020 · The bodies of 63-year-old pilot Patrick Coyle; 43-year-old paramedic Margaret Langston and 30-year-old nurse Stacie Rae Morse were never found. Morse was more than six months pregnant when the plane crashed.
Local Pilot Presumed Dead in Alaskan Plane Crash
Feb 10, 2019 · According to Anchorage Daily News, on Tuesday, Jan. 29, a medevac plane that was flying from Anchorage to Kake, Alaska, with three crew members on board went missing. Among those on board was pilot Patrick Coyle, 63, whose twin brother, Bill, graduated from Lansdale Catholic in 1973.
NTSB’s probe of fatal Guardian Flight crash inconclusive
Feb 20, 2021 · The three killed were 63-year-old pilot Patrick Coyle; 43-year-old paramedic Margaret Langston and 30-year-old nurse Stacie Rae Morse. Morse was more than six months pregnant at the time.
Guardian Flight settles over deadly 2019 medevac crash
May 14, 2021 · The bodies of 63-year-old pilot Patrick Coyle, 43-year-old paramedic Margaret Langston, and Morse were never found. Investigators never established a cause for the crash.
Patrick J. Coyle–1/29/2019 - Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home
Feb 13, 2019 · Patrick J. Coyle, age 63, a resident of Juneau, Alaska, died on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, while piloting a medevac air rescue mission to Kake Island, in a remote part of Southeast Alaska. Patrick worked for Guardian Flight Alaska.
Air ambulance company plans tribute for crew lost in January crash
Jun 6, 2019 · Killed in the crash were pilot Patrick Coyle, flight paramedic Margaret Langston and flight nurse Stacie Morse. Morse was 27-weeks pregnant and expecting a daughter, named Delta Rae.
Community mourns loss of missing Guardian Flight colleagues
Feb 1, 2019 · Pilot Patrick Coyle, 63, paramedic Margaret Langston, 43, and nurse Stacie Rae Morse, 30, took off from Anchorage Tuesday to pick up a patient in need of a medical evacuation in Kake.
Baffling details emerge in report on fatal 2019 air ambulance …
Nov 19, 2020 · Lost in the crash were pilot Patrick Coyle, 63; flight paramedic Margaret Langston, 43; and flight nurse Stacie Morse, 30. Coyle was a seasoned pilot with thousands of hours of flying...