For those who chose between moving to Poland or Germany, …
Dec 5, 2023 · Poland is very red state EU, while Germany is not. I'm LGBT, have lived in Berlin for years, and never considered going to Poland. I think of it kind of like I thought of West Virginia when I lived in DC, but without the good camping. About the only advantages I can think of for Poland are it being cheaper and housing being easier to find there.
The Greatest Enemy : r/polandball - Reddit
Oct 5, 2015 · The house number 49 is a reference to +49, Germany's international calling code (and coincidentally also to 1949, the founding year of the Federal Republic). Poland has +48, so she is Germany's neighbor. Poland has a EU-funded telescope. She was out stargazing because she cannot into space.
Playing as Germany 1936, What order do you invade countries in?
First, use focus trees. You'll get Austria and Czechia for free, with Slovakia as a puppet. You'll also get wargoals on Poland and the Benelux (BElgium, NEtherlands, LUXembourg) . Invade Poland after doing Motolov-Ribentropp to avoid the USSR invading you early. Then, invade the Dutch, before declaring on Belgium.
Do some polish people dislike germans? : r/poland - Reddit
Also - many concentration camps in Germany, where concentration camps for the Poles. With vast majority of the prisoners being Polish. You know how many of those at least mention that fact? Zero. Exactly zero. When Poland asked for it to change, Germany refused saying "It would be too much of a hassle". Polish people were held as slaves on ...
Hey Germans of Reddit, How do you feel about Poles/Poland
Sep 16, 2022 · Wroclaw was completely destroyed during WWII.Poland rebuilt the whole thing Women in Germany are much less safe than in Poland bc Germany is a backwater shithole when it comes to rape. Think Cologne especially, such violent people
Opinion about Germany : r/poland - Reddit
Unlike Germany Poland especially your Polish Gazprom PK Orlen is still buying Russian Oil in hugh amounts. I dont know if your own government lies to you but common those are well known facts . Furthermore Poland had no problem with germany buying russian gas as long germany had to pay billions of transfer fees for the use of pipelines .
People that moved from Germany to Poland: Why did you do it?
I wish you very good health. Polish healthcare, especially when it requires hospital treatment is very bad compared to Germany. Poland has the lowest number of doctors and nurses per capita in the EU. Average age of a nurse is above 50. Doctors and nurses are overworked and often have to take two jobs. There have been cases of death related to it.
Poland to demand WWII reparations from Germany : r/poland
235 votes, 418 comments. true. Well Germanys reparations were minimal to Poland after WW2, Russia did force Poland not to take Marshal's Plan, lots and lots of artwork and cultural heritage was taken from Poland to Germany and then taken by US,UK and France (they say as collateral for them arming us as part of their armies - which i think is absolutely bullshit)
r/poland on Reddit: Can you explain why there so much anti …
You talk about what Poland can gain from Germany if it only does what Germany tells it to do and ignore the fact that Germany also gains from Poland. Partnerships aren't zero sum games and Germany isn't in the EU with Poland because it feels charitable, Germany is in the EU with Poland because this arrangement makes Germany richer too.
Fluffy Poland-German Joke : r/ExplainTheJoke - Reddit
Dec 7, 2020 · The Soviets invaded Poland on 17 September. The campaign ended on 6 October with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland under the terms of the German–Soviet Frontier Treaty. About Me - Opt out - OP can reply !delete to delete - …