Home page - Poland Travel (EN) PROD
Mighty wisents, lynxes, wildcats, and a number of rare bird species such as the golden eagle, are just a few of many species you can meet while hiking in the area. Read more Kazimierz Dolny
A Journey through Polish Provinces: The Mazowieckie Province
From the busy streets of Warsaw to the quiet corners of Żelazowa Wola, from the historical significance of Żyrardów to the natural beauty of the countryside, Mazowieckie is a chapter in the larger story of Poland.
Białowieza National Park - Poland Travel (EN) PROD
There are several hiking and cycling trails that go through the forest. Organized bird watching with expert guides is another popular way to get the most out of a visit to the forest. Visitors can opt to stay a village of Bialowieza.
Poland - practical information - Poland Travel (EN) PROD
Mighty wisents, lynxes, wildcats, and a number of rare bird species such as the golden eagle, are just a few of many species you can meet while hiking in the area. Read more Castle in Lublin
Gory Stołowe National Park - Poland Travel (EN) PROD
The Stołowe Mountains, in English known as the Table Mountains, are the only example in Poland of mountains built of horizontally laid rocky layers. The more rigid slab serves as the foundation, while others, less resistant to erosion, lie above.
A Journey through Polish Provinces- Lubuskie - Poland Travel (EN) …
The parks are a hub for hiking, cycling, and kayaking, while the Drawa River’s clear waters and picturesque setting attract water sport enthusiasts and nature lovers. Further north, the Lubuskie Lake District adds to the province’s allure, remnants of the last Ice Age, with over 600 lakes dotting the landscape.
Białowieża Forest - the National Park - Poland Travel (EN) PROD
The Białowieża Forest is a symbol of Poland’s natural wealth and diversity. The international experts recognized its unique value and the Białowieża National Park was included on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as well as on UNESCO’s List of World Biosphere Reserves.
6 active things to try during winter if you don't like skiing
Winter in Poland is not only about skiing! Iceboating, bison watching, and horse-riding – check what Poland has to offer during winter time!Bialowieza - Animal Watching During this time of year, Bisons enjoy the places where food is supplied
Szczawnica - Poland Travel (EN) PROD
While in the summer the Pieniny Route, a hiking and cycling trail, starts in Szczawnica and runs along the Dunajec River, mainly on the Slovak side, which ends at the Slovak Red Monastery. The Jarmuta Massif is also nearby on which, according writings, there is a small pagan temple.
Swinoujscie - Poland Travel (EN) PROD
Hiking, cycling and kayaking trails enable everyone to get fit while in contact with unspoilt nature. The type and scope of new investments will no doubt place Swinoujscie amongst the most interesting resorts in Europe.