Solar Turbine - Concentrated Solar Power - TurbineGenerator
Concentrated solar power is a sunlight capturing technique that converts the sun’s light into heat energy. The heat energy is then used to convert water into steam, which can be used in a steam turbine generator to create an electric current.
Solar Turbine Generator - Solar Power | TurbineGenerator
Solar Turbine Generator is a device that uses steam from a Solar Power system to convert the sun’s heat into usable electric energy. A solar turbine generator can absorb the sun’s heat using a concentrated solar panel system or a thermal solar panel.
Home Steam Power - TurbineGenerator
A home steam turbine generator that is fueled by the heat of a concentrated solar power system can be used as the main supplier of electricity to a home or can supply electricity to only a portion of the home.
Steam Turbine - How Steam Energy Works - TurbineGenerator
Find out how a steam turbine works to produce electricity by heating water to extremely high temperatures until it is converted into steam. View diagrams and videos explaining steam turbines.
Turbine Generator | TurbineGenerator.org
Everything you need to know about turbine generators: steam, hydro, solar, and wind turbine generators and additional green energy information.
Solar Power Facts - TurbineGenerator
Solar Power Facts. 1. What is a solar turbine? A solar turbine is a device that uses the sun’s energy to create electricity. 2. Active Solar Power. Is a solar power system that uses an outside force, to power a solar power system. A common active solar power system is a solar power water heater that uses an electric water pump to power the ...
Types of Steam Turbines - TurbineGenerator
Compare the different types of steam turbines with link to diagrams a guides to each different type of common steam turbine.
Environmental Impact of Steam Power - TurbineGenerator
The environmental impact of steam power depends on what sort of steam turbine system is being used to create the steam. Today, the three main systems used to create electricity from steam power are: nuclear power, coal power (fossil fuels), and concentrated solar power.
History of Solar Energy - TurbineGenerator
In the 1860’s the solar powered steam engine was invented and was used for many different applications. In 1905 Albert Einstein wrote a paper of the photoelectric effect, greatly improving the world’s knowledge of the topic, and for which he later won the Nobel Prize.
Steam Power History - TurbineGenerator
Modern Steam Power History. Charles Parsons patented a design for a steam turbine in 1884 and attached his device to a generator to create electricity.