What do you do with your corn? : r/StardewValley - Reddit
Dec 13, 2022 · I do similar. Profit if planted on Summer 1 and left through Winter is 400g per corn stalk. 11 harvests at 50g base quality minus seed cost (11×50-150). What I'm thinking is running the corn through seed makers to sell at 75g per seed. Each average seed yield is 2:1. So the profit would be closer to 1,500g per corn stalk (11×75×2-150).
[Guide] Crop Farming for Beginners : r/StardewValley - Reddit
Mar 1, 2016 · (IRL these terms can be interchangeable; I’m using them to mean specific things in the context of Stardew Valley) Patch: A tilled tile where a seed can be or has been planted. Plot / Bed: An area of patches; a 2x3 Plot is 6 patches arranged as 2 rows and 3 columns.
Why isn’t my corn growing? : r/StardewValley - Reddit
May 22, 2022 · I planted corn on the 4th of Fall, it’s currently the 23rd and I haven’t had a single harvest. The sprite for the corn is stuck in “Stage 5” and has been for days. I know for a fact that I have watered them every day because the yams and eggplants I planted next to them on the same day have already been harvested.
Corn randomly dieing? :: Stardew Valley General Discussions
Jul 30, 2016 · But FYI, it was in summer, with 624 pieces of corn, 16 iridium sprinklers keeping them watered and there was atleast 30 scarecrows around them. Atleast 1 Scarecrow for 1 set of sprinklers #7
Whats better planting corn throughout summer and fall or
Jul 14, 2021 · You may need corn for the community center, but other than that, it's a pretty bad investment. If you keep corn for two whole seasons, you'll average a gain of like 7-8 gold per day, where blueberries will average you nearly 21 and cranberries nearly 19.
Corn! : r/StardewValley - Reddit
Mar 13, 2016 · Corn's value decreases a lot the closer you plant to Fall, and if you plant during Fall, it's not very valuable at all. Blueberries are, quite frankly, broken. They cost half as much to purchase as corn (80g to 150g), they regrow, they yield multiple berries each bloom, and each berry sells for 70% more than corn - 120g vs. 75g.
Optimal Crop Profits by Season (or, Why Blueberries Beat Corn 7x)
Mar 2, 2016 · I've been playing Stardew Valley pretty much constantly since launch and am in love. I have a ton of nostalgia for Harvest Moon on the SNES and Stardew Valley improves on that in every possible way while adding a bunch of new stuff as well. I've been looking at crop guides trying to maximize profit (the most popular seems to be this one). So ...
How does fertilizer work on corn and crops that continue to
Nov 12, 2021 · I chose corn because it will regrow meaning I won't have to buy seeds for the whole of summer and fall which is the other reason why is because it can grow in two different seasons. I bought 36 corn crops and made 4 quality sprinklers and 1 ordinary sprinkler.
[Tip] Turn corn into tortillas to maximize profit
Mar 8, 2016 · So I just did some math. I think it is right but someone may want to check. Corn for two seasons cs blueberries then cranberries. These are for a single plant. Corn is 11 harvests at 75g a piece with a plant cost of 150g. That is a net total profit of 675g over the two seasons.
Corn in a keg should produce whiskey. : r/StardewValley - Reddit
Feb 8, 2018 · To go with the simplified world thing, maybe it could go corn/potatoes > keg > white whiskey/vodka, then white whiskey > cask > whiskey. I think that would be an appropriate enough of a simplification of the process that it would fit in to …