Steve Jobs Dead | NJPB Forums
Oct 6, 2011 · Steve Wozniak who was a cofounder with Jobs was not happy about that. Job basically told him that is the way it was going to be. Imagine you working at a start-up and when the money starts rolling in you were not given any.
Apple's cloud music could finally make piracy pay | NJPB Forums
SAN FRANCISCO - June 6, 2011 (WPVI) -- Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs on Monday introduced more than just a cloud storage system for songs that fans buy legitimately through iTunes. He unveiled a system that might finally get music lovers to pay for the songs they got through less-than-proper means...
Steve Jobs Dead | NJPB Forums
Oct 5, 2011 · There seems to be a dark side to Apple's spectacular performance in the marketplace, although I suspect this isn't much worse than other large companies...
Parcels in the Pines | NJPB Forums
Feb 12, 2017 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
Apple switching to Intel processors | NJPB Forums
Jun 6, 2005 · This has nothing to do with the pines, but definitely fits the topic of "electronics insanity" :P Today Apple Computer announced they were beginning the transition to Intel CPU chips with the first machines available a year from now …
Apple iPhone | NJPB Forums
Jun 26, 2007 · http://uk.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUKN2528695220070625 Jim
Pseudo-Amazon | NJPB Forums
May 6, 2020 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
The end of iTunes | NJPB Forums
May 31, 2019 · I have plenty of complaints about iTunes, and they seem to make it worse with every update, but it's still how I share my media library throughtout my house with about 600 movies, 600 TV shows and thousands of songs that are stored on little server. That could get a lot more difficult without...
Dirty Jobs - Cranberry Farmer - TONIGHT | NJPB Forums
Feb 5, 2008 · I'm sure we all know the show.. so FYI, if you weren't aware, Mike will be working w/ a cranberry farmer on tonights episode. not sure if it's in NJ, but it would be cool if it were.. 9 pm on discovery channel (one of the last good channels.)..
PBX Hikes #15 To #87 - NJPB Forums
Mar 24, 2018 · Guy's first PBX hike as well as Steve Behren's. Trip Report for “High Plains Drifting”, 2/21/04 (Bob) This was, first of all, a reunion for those of us who have not seen each other in awhile, and a welcome to 3 new members; Mickey, Guy, and Steve. All …