Solved: Grade & Section: 7- NARRA I. Objective(s): Detail the ...
This activity focuses on exploring the similarities between Iloilo Panay Bukidnon's sugidanon (epic-chanting) and Indonesia's sulukan (vocal music). The activities aim to help students understand the concept of sugidanon through word association and group discussion.
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1. Q2- Music and Arts- Lesson 1- Week 1.pptx - SlideShare
Sep 25, 2024 · The lesson includes activities where students identify true/false statements about each art form, discuss definitions through a presentation, create concept maps in groups, and list examples of each form.
sulukan Indonesian culture concept map | StudyX
A concept map for sulukan in Indonesian culture should include its definition, key elements (cultural significance, rituals, art forms, community involvement), connections to identity, historical context, and modern adaptations.
sson No 1 Date sson Title Topic Sugidanon | StudyX
The objective is to detail the commonalities between Iloilo Panay Bukidnon's sugidanon (epic-chanting) and Indonesia's sulukan (vocal music). This means you need to identify similarities in themes, styles, and cultural significance.
Grade Section Activity No 1 Concept Mapping | StudyX
Your task is to highlight the similarities and differences between Sugidanon and Sulukan by analyzing their themes, singing styles, and cultural significance, then visually organize this information into a concept map.
Oct 2, 2024 · Lesson Title/ Tople: Sugidanon & Sulukan Name: 1. Activity No. 1: Concept Mapping Sugidanon II. Objective(s) Grade & Section: Detail the commonalities of Iloilo Panay Bukidnon's sugidanon (epic-chanting) with Indonesia's sulukan (vocal music. III. Materials Needed: activity sheet pen IV. Instructions: a.
Nov 11, 2024 · Objective(s): Detail the commonalities of Iloilo Panay Bukidnon's sugidanon (epic-chanting) with Indonesia's sulukan (vocal music). III. Materials Needed: activity sheet, pen IV.
Q2 LE Music and Arts 7 Lesson 1 Week 1 - Studocu
Sulukan is a mastermind vocal song that gives a certain atmosphere effect in a wayang show, which has a very important role, as a maker, sweetener, amplifier, and builder of a scene (Setiawan et al., 2019).
- Reviews: 6
using a concept map write word associated with learning …
Oct 11, 2024 · Creating the Concept Map: 1. Central Concept: Place "Sugidanon" in the center of your map. 2. Branching Out: Draw lines connecting "Sugidanon" to the other concepts. 3. Sub-Concepts: If needed, add sub-concepts under each main concept. For example, under "Learning Method," you could have "Oral Tradition," "Written Texts," and "Formal Education." 4.
Sulukan - Wikipedia
Sulukan normally refers to mood setting songs by a puppeteer (dhalang) in Javanese wayang ("puppet") performances in Indonesia. The term can also refer to the pathetan pieces played before and after gamelan pieces in a non-wayang context, [1] and to mystical poetry relating to the doctrinal meaning of the term sulook. [2]